Plan your fab 


like a pro

Ditch confusion and overwhelm and start your wedding planning process with confidence .

plan your wedding

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    Stop the guess work and the drama and step into the wonderful wedding planning process with joy and excitement

    THE #1 most Important...

    Thing you really need to do before contacting any vendors and start your planning right

    The essential

    elements you need to consider while researcing your location and venue no matter if you are planning a local or destination wedding

    The secret

    for walking down the aisle picture perfect knowing all the I are dotted and T crossed.

    The Support

    find your tribe. Make sure you are supported , loved and guided during this wonderful journey.

    Veronica Pranzos Events

    See how this video has helped brides and grooms like you

    I always dream about my wedding day but I never realize that planning a wedding can be so stressful. This guide was absolutely helpful and precious,
    Mila Sendler
    If you need to be pointed on the right direction while traying to make sense of so many moving part this video guide is a MUST for all the couple starting out.
    Josie Kunis
    When we started our wedding planning process , we where a bit lost on what we should be taking care first. This guide really put us on track....
    Mike Miller


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